Kdaj: Sobota, 05.10.2024 ob 21:00

Kje: Murska Sobota, MIKK Murska Sobota

Sobota, 5. oktober 2024 MIKK Murska Sobota 21.00 Vstopnice v predprodaji 7 EUR (od 10.9. naprej) / na dan dogodka 10 EUR _______________ 🔥V MIKK prihajal že LXIII. edicija Metal klavnice🔥 ⚫️STERCORE (Slovaška) ⚫️ CHAINS (Slovenija) Chains was born in 2010 as a Hypnotic Drone Doom one man project in the vein of Sunn O))), Moss, Urfaust with a 70s horror vibe influenced by bands like Death SS and Paul Chain. In 2012 after the release of the first opus ˝OF DEATH˝, Lord Samhain, or simply Chad Devis, from the American cult doom band Hour of 13 joined the project and became the fulltime Chains drummer. At this point, the music took a retro-evolution and became a hybrid between the 80s Italian Dark Doom, Death Rock and the 80s Hypnotic Dark Metal and post punk. On February 22th 2013 Chains released the 7˝ Ep ˝DANCING WITH MY DEMONS˝ (featuring Chad Devis on drums) via SVART RECORDS – a Finnish cult vinyl label. In 2014, for various reasons, Chad Davis left the band and E. von Chains decided to move on alone. The same year a new EP called ˝VIOLET WIZARD˝ was released via Blood Rock Records. 2015 brought a wind of change in CHAINS. For the first time Chains performed live with some really special set of Hypnotic Drone doom in Banja Luka. A. from SUTON joined the band as second vocals and a drummer. With this lineup Chains released a live improvisation EP called ˝BALKANIK HYPNOTIC RITUAL˝. The same year Chains performed two more shows: one in Ljubljana Gromka and the other in Parma at the Navajo Calling Fest with different session drummers. Soon after that, in 2016, the first Chains split (with SUTON). ˝BALKANIAN NARKO DOOM˝ was released by the Italian label ORDO MCM. The same year Matz Sick joined the band as a full time drummer, and Chains finnaly became a band. Since 2016 Chains have had some minor limited and digital releases, which comprise the single collections ˝DEAD TAPES vol I˝ (2016) and ˝DEAD TAPES vol II˝ (2018). The latter was released via Doom Cult records in a limited edition. At the moment Chains is promoting DEAD TAPES vol II and still working on the second full lenght FACEBOOK: BANDCAMP: ⚫️HALOLIGHT (Slovenija) Halolight se je kot murskosoboški duo heavy metal/rock projekt ustanovil leta 2018, ko sta bobnar An Šiplič ter kitarist in vokalist Denis Režonja v študentskih domovih Maribora pričela s pisanjem komadov za svoj prvi album in se takoj zatem lotila snemanja le-tega v studiu pri Tilenu Sapaču. Sledilo je dolgo obdobje izpopolnjevanja avtorskega materiala z razmaki zaradi zaprtja v času korone, dokler se stvari niso končno zaključile v letu 2024. Takrat se je Denis srečal s članoma svojega nekdanjega banda Damage, to je s kitaristom Aljažem Zadravcem in basistom Nejcem Grajem, ter jima pokazal svoje pesmi. Navdušena sta bila nemudoma pripravljena za sodelovanje in tako so se stvari v kratkem času razvile v nov, prerojen oldschool heavy metal band, pripravljen na igranje v živo. V zadnjih fazah izdaje pa je tudi njihov prvi album Phoenix Awakens, ki je tako dolgo čakal, da ugleda dan in zazveni na odrih. Člani: Denis Režonja – kitarist in vokalist An Šiplič – bobnar Aljaž Zadravec – lead kitarist Nejc Graj – basist * Projekt Alternativna godba je podprt s strani Ministrstva za kulturo RS